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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jarveys Restaurant Coupons

I get people asking me all the time. Where did

you get that discount Coupon for your Dinner?

Let's face it, with the rising costs of almost everything

lately, any discount would be welcome. I tell them,

did you check your Mail? So many offers come thru

the mail it's unbelievable. I believe that most people

do not take the time to sort thru the Restaurant Coupons

from their Mail and they discard them. So remember to check

you're Mail. Another great place to get discounts is on line.

Lots of Restaurants have Web Sites on line and inside their

Site they will have in lots of cases, Coupons! so be sure

to check on that. Also, some Restaurants have programs

where they hand you a little Business Card and when

you buy enough Lunch or Dinners, your next one

will be Free. Lastly, if you have Kids don't forget

to check for kids eat free night. Lots of

Restaurants give free meals to Children when accompanied

with a paid Adult.

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